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Requirements Gathering

We offer more (value) than the classic requirement gathering with the same project effort.


Have you ever experienced how good ideas from practice ended up in functions that were difficult to use and did not meet the goal? That doesn't have to be the case! Requirements that are correctly implemented during the first implementation and support the business objective reduce overall effort and time-to-market.


We therefore ask “Why?”


  1. Listening, understanding, questioning: We listen first and then ask: "Why should something be done this way or that way?", "Why does the required feature best support the business goal?" This allows us to focus on the formulated goals instead of on features and thus achieve a benefit-oriented description of the requirements for IT systems.

  2. Communicate, plan: We convey content between the department and developers. Thanks to our IT background, we can design and formulate the functionalities that will ultimately be implemented in such a way that they are correctly understood by IT. We support successful implementation through IT-friendly planning of implementation and testing.


Please contact us if you would like to achieve a more successful requirements description than before.

Consulting - grounded

We look forward to your inquiry
Mobile: + 49 173 59 55 55 2

Thank you for your message! We'll get back to you. 
Your MR Future

MR Future GmbH

Sonnenstraße 6 

D-82223 Eichenau


Authorized managing director: Michael Rüger

Registration court: District Court of Munich

Registration number: HRB 250235

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:  VAT ID: DE325385520


Responsible for the content:


Michael Rueger

Sonnenstraße 6 

D-82223 Eichenau

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved / Privacy Policy

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