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Project Barometer

Is your project well positioned? Do the parties get along? Is communication transparent and is everyone pulling in the same direction?
With a short analysis using our project barometer, we identify the need for action in the project. At the start of the project and in all further phases.


We review project documents, interview project members and evaluate processes and guidelines. The project barometer lists our observations and differentiates between symptoms and causes.


Just healing symptoms should generally be avoided. Together with the client, suitable measures are therefore taken to remove the obstacles i.e. Causes developed. Don't wait until your project fails. Analyze it now!


Would you like us to analyze your project and make it even better? Contact us. 

Consulting - grounded

We look forward to your inquiry
Mobile: + 49 173 59 55 55 2

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Your MR Future

MR Future GmbH

Sonnenstraße 6 

D-82223 Eichenau


Authorized managing director: Michael Rüger

Registration court: District Court of Munich

Registration number: HRB 250235

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:  VAT ID: DE325385520


Responsible for the content:


Michael Rueger

Sonnenstraße 6 

D-82223 Eichenau

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved / Privacy Policy

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